Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dalai Lama and Multicolor LED's

So, this morning has gone well. China man rips off leg and drives away? Now that is insane. But really now, this blog wont even go there on this one. Today another shiny caught my eye. This keyboard article caught my eye, those crazy Koreans have come up with a keyboard that is back lit with LED's. The awesome part about this keyboard is that you can customize all of the keys and colors with their drivers. This opens up the room to do anything crazy you want, like have all the letters in your name display blue, and the rest of the keyboard glow red. Or make the numbers one color and the letters another, enter keys another. You could have a VERY colorful splash across your keyboard. I love keyboards, in fact, I think they are the most important part to the computer. Some people do the mouse thing with the quick change resolution and sensitivity settings. Me, I'm a keyboard man. The mouse is just there for fun, the keyboard, is how you use the damn computer. Argue with me, I dare you, I'll just uninstall your GUI and pull out your keyboard, then what are you going to do Mr. Point and Click? Take that!

Next is about the crazy Chinese! So today the Chinese banned the act of reincarnation without government approval. Now what the hell is that supposed to mean? Well the Chinese are trying to restrict that criminally insane 14th Dalai Lama from being able to reincarnate himself in Tibet as every Dalai Lama before him has. Now seriously, what the hell? Sorry sir you cant reincarnate here without a permit, and I see you have a few outstanding parking tickets as well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you in on this. Look Mr. Dalai Lama stop reincarnating, apparently the Chinese hate you, and I'm starting to like you less by the hour. How the hell do you have your own website? www.thepope.com does not work as a web link, no fan sites for him. But on a more serious note, this is criminally insane, who in their right mind thinks that if such a thing as reincarnation even exists, that there would be a way to regulate and decide who and when? This is a bit of a sad attempt by the Chinese to get their government situation in order and take away the last hope of Buddhist's in India. Look, just keep making those lead paint covered doom toys, maybe even make one of the Dalai Lama and sell those to the Buddhist's that are giving you so much trouble.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Woah Early

It might be a bit early in the morning, but it seems today might be a good news day! First, i dugg an article about a two-year-old who ate a bunch of MDMA, then was promptly returned to the parents. Now, the first comment on both pages struck me as damn good. First the digg comment, I laughed and cried at the same time. How true, likely the very cause for this babies even conception in the first place, is almost the cause of its death. Poor bastard probably saw the pills on the floor and remembered back to being in the womb, being fed MDMA though an umbilical tube, poor girl just wanted another hit. Now as for the first comment on the article itself, this rings clear and true, babies are just those. babies, they don't know any better, their only real goal is to make your day a little more hectic. If they find it, its going in their mouth. Now honestly, I don't know about you, but I tend to keep my floor a little less drug ridden, so how a baby got a hold of it, thats what you have to ask the parent. Yes I'm a firm believer in blaming the parents, video game violence, leaving the toilet seat lid up, loosing all the twisty ties. Bastards, I want my twisty ties back, the damn bread is going to get stale. Kids need attention for a reason, because without you they WILL die. Parents messed up on MDMA are almost as good as criminally insane, because you get so careless, you almost lose your child, and that....is an epic fail. Yes these parents deserve their child back, she would be treated so horrible in any foster home or wherever she was shuffled into. No one but her parents could understand why she is going to be so messed up when she becomes a teenager.

Digging this morning I also found an article on Omnidirectional Wheels. Oh man, this is sweet, finally a way for me to parallel park without hitting the curb. Now there are so many other options to implement this wheel, wheelchairs, scooters, mack trucks, airplanes, lets just go put it in some things and make it more famous already so they have the capital to make it easy to park my car. Maybe we can make some modifications to lego man, and he can get in on these wheels. Now we are in for it.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pew Pew Lasers!

Today has been a bit of a slow day here, nothing intense has come my way, at least nothing I cant handle.

Few developments in the X-box 360 world, like the pushing of the HDMI technology in even the lower models. I'm a big fan of shiny things, and HDMI deffinately fits that category. I actually hope to buy one of these 360's soon enough and stop having to borrow it. Now there is a console war going on out there, Wii PS3 and the Xbox 360 are all in hot competition to keep on top of the market. As it stands, Wii is quickly catching up, and likely to pass the 360 soon. But who cares about sales, lets talk about play-ablity. I have finally had my chance to interact with all three either in a best buy or at a friends place, and ive come to the conclusion, that the console war, is no longer about which one is best. The truth is, Wii is interactive on a whole new physical level. The 360 is interactive on a shiny colorful 3d world level. The ps3 is interactive on a level most game companies cant even program for yet. All this in mind, I'm looking for shiny. I work out frequently enough that the wii would get annoying after a while, though a revolutionary system, I want a little more bang for my buck. The biggest draw to the 360 for me is the new and upcoming Rock Band, this game is going to be hella fun, and with the ability to play with others via the net makes this an instant win. I could go on for hours about game systems, but lets leave it at the 360 for now.

Thats a pretty though article to top, but I have some technology thats criminally insane. I dugg a article today about a Portalaser now what the heck is a Portalaser? Its a backpack powered lazergun that can kill bacteria or whatever happens to be growing on the side of your building/car/sidewalk. The current models aren't very high powered so you cant shoot through anything, but who wants that? Nextgen Poralasers will be in the shape of a m16a2 and be able to shoot high powered bursts. They will have to develop some sort of cooling system, but these are those laser weapons of the future we have been waiting for since you played your first FPS. Watch out stormtroopers this weapon is Insane AND Technologically Adept.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bonds? Legos? So much to write about ive been thinking all morning.

So today has been one interesting day in the news. First of all, the so called "tainted" Barry Bonds 756 Homerun Mark .This to me is a landmark in sports. Who cares about drug use or this that and the other thing. You go hit 756 home runs. You cant, you can be awesome at baseball have a full major league career, and never get close to that number. Steroids are not a new thing. Sorry, i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but come on, seriously, are you insane? Yes. Drug use in sports should really be allowed. Theres no benefit to drugs, and if someone wants to take them they will take the side effects they come with. If your looking for "all natural" baseball, make your own damn league, I'm tired of people caring so much, sports stars are entertainers just like actors and magicians. If Harry Houdini had decided to shoot up some heroin before a show to relax so he didn't mess up getting out of that straight jacket, thats his own accord. I just want to see him get out.

Also in the news today. In Amsterdam they fished out a Giant Lego man.... thats right, a giant Lego man. First of all... how the hell did a 8 foot lego man get into the sea. Second of all, what does "No Real Than You Are" mean? This is perposterous, how, why, when, where, this is the most unreal thing ive ever heard of. Oh man this so goes back to yesterdays post on wormholes to another universe. What if this guy is real? What if he came through a wormhole to our universe? How many other giant Lego men are there, can they transform? Oh man. Terminator never looked so friendly with a big yellow head and blue body. Insane? Yes. When giant lego man comes to your town and pumps you full of plastic bullet holes, don't come running to me, all i have to say is "i told you so".

Ok so last in the news i want to blog about today is the new and up coming Bionic arm. Cue up the Star wars flashbacks. No really, this technology is amazing. The article talks about being able to add neuro sensors into your brain so that this robotic arm could even FEEL. Thats amazing. purely amazing. When you lose a limb you always hear about the "phantom limb" effect where you feel like its there. But that hand is gone man, fed it to the dog last night. Imagine having that feeling one day, then the next you wake up in the hospital, with a fully functioning hand. Not only that, but you can still feel things with it. I wonder what robotic limbs are next, hand is the hardest, but the first step into a cyborg body. This is what my major truly aspires to do, greater good and what not. This stuff is awesome. Oh no, i had a thought. Never mind all this stuff, I will not become lego man. Take the hand, I don't want it.

Thanks to all who are commenting, ill keep posting.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

New or Used?

Ok, so after a bit of blog surfing at work, as usual I've started to compile a list of favorites in my bookmarks list. I'm just a click away from the criminally insane, or the technologically adept. I cant keep reading, I have to do some typing of my own.

First of all, I have to confess my love for Useless Advice from Useless Men the intense ramblings and off topic responses are amazing. I'm no English lit major, so I don't expect much of an interest from the rest of the internet, but while I'm here I might as well try.

So here goes....

This is my blog, so you might as well know a little about me. I'm a 20 year old computer engineering major in Boston Ma. I go to college, I work on co-op, but I always have time to blog. Going to college has left me so many things to rant and talk about a daily basis, and I would love to share them.

I named this blog Criminally Insane or Technologically Adept, and ill tell you why. Working in the computer field all my life, i cant tell you where the fine line is, but it exists between these two things. Computers are crazy, some electrons are moving around helping us trade information at speeds that we comprehend only in numbers. Cellphones let us talk into little gadgets and actually communicate with people hundreds even thousands of miles away. I mean come on, your talking to a computer part. Are we insane?

We are insane, no doubt in my mind. I recently dugg an article about Black Holes Leading to Alternate Universes this excites and scares me all at the same time. The concept that there could be parallel universes or even ones we have never even imagined before gives me a tingly feeling I cant understand. What if the Star Wars Universe was real?(sorry my geekyness will show through on occasion) Then again, what if any movie was as real as we make them out to be on the big screen. All that is possible in an alternative universe. I haven't done much more research into it, but its possible we are someones alternative universe. Where does that leave us, and is there one true universe, or a first universe? Does it all just stretch out into infinity?

Ahhh my head hurts, ill stop here. Hopefully someone will look at this, and i might get some readers. Ill do my best to start blogging frequently.